Artist Opportunities

Summer 2025 Exhibition: Creatures and Cosmos
Due Date: Monday, April 28 – 11:55 pm MST

John Chakravarty, The Anunnaki Visit Cathedral Rock, courtesy of the artist


Cosmos, creatures, and creative features!

For Creatures and Cosmos, we invite artists to submit their most innovative and futuristic works of art. From cosmic creations and abstract interpretations of the unknown, to vibrant depictions of space, we’re looking for pieces that capture the essence of futurism and sci-fi that will transport viewers into new dimensions.

This exhibit seeks imaginative creatures inspired by the cosmos such as alien life forms, extraterrestrial beings, or mythical creatures that exist in otherworldly realms. We encourage unique interpretations and exploration of creatures all different sizes and shapes. Let your imagination run wild with the infinite possibilities from fantastical beings to evolved bio-mechanical life forms. This opportunity is open to Arizona Artists working in any medium. Creatures and Cosmos will be on display June 14- August 16, 2025. Exhibition-ready works in two or three dimensions and any medium will be accepted, as well as video. The gallery will also consider proposals for performance-based work.


Artists must complete the required submission form and may submit up to 5 works. There is no fee to submit.

Submission form:


Unsolicited Exhibition Proposals

Installation view of the exhibition Concerned, but Powerless, by artist Safwat Saleem

Are you interested in showing your work at Vision Gallery or the Chandler Center for the Arts? We always accept exhibition proposals for both spaces and jury them on a rolling basis during the months of January and June. Please click the button below to access our submission form.

Interested artists are encouraged to contact gallery staff prior to submission with any questions they may have. Gallery staff can be reached at [email protected] and 480-782-2695.

Exhibition Proposal Form


  • Incomplete and improperly formatted applications may not receive a response
  • Small group exhibitions including 2-4 artists in different media organized around a common theme are more likely to be accepted than solo exhibitions. This benefits both the gallery and the artists as it attracts a wider variety of viewers, but still allows the artists to display a cohesive body of work, as opposed to individual objects.
  • Solo artists may still apply, but will be considered for both group and solo exhibitions.
  • The quality of your images matters. Make sure your photographs are in focus, well lit, and with a plain background. It is possible to take good photographs with your phone, but if you have a better option – use it! Here is a good tutorial for taking quality pictures of your artwork with a smartphone.
  • We do not have a budget for shipping artwork. If you live outside of Arizona, it may be quite costly to get your artwork to and from the gallery.
  • Take a look at our past exhibitions to get a feel for the kinds of shows we host.
  • If your primary goal is selling artwork, we might not be the right gallery for you. Although we are thrilled when artwork sells, our focus is on hosting engaging, thought-provoking exhibitions for our community to enjoy and not commercial sales.

Vision Kids Classes

The Vision Gallery offers its Vision Kids Programs in a variety of media and all classes are taught by local professional artists. The classes are offered to the Phoenix metropolitan community free of charge to the participants, and are underwritten by individuals, corporations, and grant funding.

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Gallery at the CCA

The Gallery at the Chandler Center for the Arts is curated by the Vision Gallery as part of the Arts Center Division of the City of Chandler. Both galleries are non-profit art galleries managed by the Chandler Cultural Foundation and host six to eight exhibitions per year.

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Vision Gallery in the News

The Vision Gallery, Gallery at the CCA, and Chandler’s Public Art program are regularly featured in local media outlets including the SanTan Sun News, Phoenix New Times, AZ Redbook, and KJZZ. Read recent stories and find links here.

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