
About Caroline Hudson-Naef

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So far Caroline Hudson-Naef has created 31 blog entries.

    Daniel Nez Review


    By Lynn Trimble "Arizona-based artist Daniel Nez (Diné) translates oral traditions passed down from Navajo elders into expressive visual narratives. Nez uses geometric forms in his “Fractal Lineage” exhibition to embody elements of Navajo cosmology centered around the Four Worlds. Summaries on the artist’s website describe these worlds, each characterized by the introduction of particular beings, each of these associated with a different color. According to Nez’s descriptions, when one world is destroyed, beings escape into a new one, and each successive world is located closer to the sky." Read full review on Visual Art Source

    Daniel Nez Review2023-03-14T10:54:48-07:00

      Navajo artist brings to life three-dimensional art


      By Kianna Joe Two Indigenous artists paint a new picture of what Native culture and history are, using art pieces their ancestors left for them. Daniel Nez, Diné, celebrated his art exhibit opening, “Fractal Lineage,” at the Chandler Center for the Arts alongside fellow Indigenous artists Jacob Menders, Mechoopda, and Maidu, who celebrated his art exhibit as well, “Familiar Territory,” at Vision Gallery in Chandler, Arizona, Feb. 24. “I feel humbled, this is my first solo show since my MFA (master’s) thesis exhibition, so it’s really nice to see all my bodies of work together, all sharing the same theme, all

      Navajo artist brings to life three-dimensional art2023-03-13T13:50:16-07:00

        Viewing the Colorado River: Between Art and Actuality


        By HIKMET SIDNEY LOE "The decline of the Colorado River through drought and other factors has prompted artists to call attention to this event. Does art have the power, though, to mitigate the crisis? ... The number of individuals and groups engaged in the Colorado River is extensive and growing. While Lin presents one artist’s view through Silver River’s scale, situation, and name recognition, additional representations and interpretations of the river have been in the making. Las Vegas artist and curator Sapira Cheuk has had water on her mind for some time. In 2020, she filmed fountains and water features along

        Viewing the Colorado River: Between Art and Actuality2023-03-04T14:22:05-07:00

          Work in Progress with Jacob Meders (Mechoopda/Maidu)


          By Lynn Trimble Jacob Meders (Mechoopda/Maidu) works in his Phoenix studio to counter historical and contemporary stereotypes of Native Americans through printmaking that addresses issues related to culture, identity, and place. Decommissioned prints from the city’s art collection hang inside Vision Gallery in Chandler, Arizona, where they would have promulgated romanticized white perspectives on Westward expansion and Manifest Destiny if shown before the creative intervention of artist Jacob Meders (Mechoopda/Maidu). Meders revised the prints for his exhibition Familiar Territory, blacking out figures to signal federal policies designed to erase Indigenous cultures and adding gold leaf to reference resource extraction and the impacts of capitalism on

          Work in Progress with Jacob Meders (Mechoopda/Maidu)2023-02-24T13:44:15-07:00

            Phoenix artist honors her great grandmother’s quilt — but with a very different material


            By Mark Brodie KJZZ   "Heidi Dauphin is not a quilter. The Phoenix-area artist specializes in mixed-media studio pieces, but has also done public art and works with a lot of materials. That includes paper, which she used to make a quilt that is part of the exhibit called "Re-Vitalized," which runs through Jan. 7 at Vision Gallery in Chandler." Listen to the full story on KJZZ here.

            Phoenix artist honors her great grandmother’s quilt — but with a very different material2023-01-04T12:59:18-07:00

              Zora Folley mural commemorates a Chandler icon


              By Ken Sain San Tan Sun News   "Perhaps the most fitting part of the mural the City of Chandler commissioned to boxing legend Zora Folley is that it’s in Southside Village, not too far from where Folley lived. It’s not quite a stone’s throw away, but “a good golf swing,” said Peter Bugg, the city’s visual arts coordinator. The city dedicated the large mural on the east wall of FLO Yoga & Cycle, 71 E. Frye Road, on Dec. 6, paying tribute to the man who won a Purple Heart fighting in the Korean War, fought Muhammad Ali for the

              Zora Folley mural commemorates a Chandler icon2023-01-04T11:52:58-07:00

                Two Kenosha women featured in Arizona arts scene


                By Jillian Craig Kenosha News   "Peppur Chambers and Lisa Marie Barber have not met each other, but their worlds have collided in Chandler, Ariz. In recent months, Chambers, a Kenosha native, was appointed to the managing board of the Chandler Cultural Foundation. She is the first performing artist to serve on the board, which provides oversight for the Chandler Center for the Arts. ... The Chandler organization became a nexus of sorts, for another local. Lisa Marie Barber, the University of Wisconsin-Parkside art and design department chair, will have her quilts exhibited in the Chandler Vision Gallery until Jan. 7.

                Two Kenosha women featured in Arizona arts scene2023-01-04T11:47:41-07:00

                  The best things to see in Phoenix this week: Worst tattoos, other mothers and Zeppelin drag


                  Sofia Krusmark Arizona Republic Excerpt: "'Inward Shift/Outward Gaze' at Vision Gallery in Chandler The first painting started with Phoenix artist Chelsie Tamala going into her friend’s house, setting up camp and telling her to go about daily life. After that, Tamala asked seven other mothers to be a part of the series — a group of moms with all sorts of experiences— and eight paintings later – “Mothers” was born. " Read full article via Arizona Republic

                  The best things to see in Phoenix this week: Worst tattoos, other mothers and Zeppelin drag2022-08-29T09:48:18-07:00

                    Chandler exhibit shows artist’s twin heritages


                    By Srianthi Perera GetOut Contributor Born to an Iranian father and a Mexican mother, Michelle Emami finds identity important. Hence, her artistic creations reflect her particular thinking, experiences and the blend of two cultures. Ten pieces of Emami’s work are on display at The Gallery at CCA in Downtown Chandler in an exhibition titled “Both, Neither and All of the Above: Michelle Emami” through October 15. “The foundation within my work is based on my Mexican and Iranian cultures, but I am constantly questioning the lack of security that both my cultural backgrounds hold within my American culture,” said Emami, who

                    Chandler exhibit shows artist’s twin heritages2022-08-25T13:38:10-07:00