Off the Clock: Artwork by City of Chandler Employees
August 21, 2021 - October 2, 2021
| FreeAt the City of Chandler, we are fortunate to have myriad multi-talented individuals working all around us. While many of our coworkers’ skills are visible in the office, some talents are not as obvious. Further, a year spent mostly at home has given many employees the opportunity to find new hobbies or rediscover old passions to pass the time. Featuring 25 artists from 11 City departments, Off the Clock celebrates the artistic talents of our fellow City employees!
Exhibiting Artists
Theo Anglin, Jennifer Bailey, Kathryn Beck, Kareena Betancourt, Peter Bugg, Anna Camino, James Carreno, Cynde Cerf, Andrea Cole, Diana Deming, Lessie Dingler, Kim Durning, Caroline Hudson-Naef, Laurel Klimack, Chris Leon, Savana Martinez, Susan May, Rori Minor, John Owens, Yuliana Resendiz, Rick Smith, Nannette Tennant, Sue Van Horne, Michael Winer, Melina Zuniga
Exhibition Photos