Out of Character: Artwork by Jerome Fleming and Andre McCline
January 9, 2021 - February 20, 2021
| FreeWhen faced with a moral dilemma, do people act out of their core values or do they act uncharacteristically? If somebody commits a sin, is it entirely out of character for them, or is it a reflection of who they are at their core? In Out of Character, Jerome Fleming and Andre McCline’s paintings pose these questions to the viewer. Fleming’s angular paintings draw inspiration from the Russian Constructivist movement while re-contextualizing and re-examining the seven deadly sins in the modern era. McCline takes a more direct approach to his subject matter, using pop culture references and a street art style to depict dualistic relationships that implore the viewer to decide which path to take. Both artists question the moral character of the human race and how we respond to everyday situations.
Click below to watch the recorded virtual reception with Fleming and McCline.
Image: (left) Jerome Fleming, Gula : gluttony, Acrylic on canvas, 2020; (right) Andre McCline, Battleground, Acrylic paint, oil marker and 3D fabric paint, 2017