Sediments: Layers of the Phoenix Valley
February 27, 2021 - March 27, 2021
| FreeImage: Ashley Czajkowski, Memorandum (Goldfinch III), Lumen print created with found bird, hand-coated photo emulsion on fabric and embroidery, 2016
Before the Valley of the Sun became a thriving, sprawling urban community, the land was home to animals and indigenous peoples. As time passed, people of all backgrounds began migrating to the area in search of new opportunities and resources. With each addition to the land, the cultural and physical landscape began to change, having an immense impact on the land and preexisting cultures. For this exhibition, Vision Gallery will be peeling back the various layers of the Phoenix valley’s history to examine topics relating to preservation, land ownership, and coexistence.
Sediments: Layers of the Phoenix Valley features the work of Ashley Czajkowski, Matthew Garcia, Ann Morton, and Steven Yazzie.
IG Takeovers
Tune in to our Instagram (@visiongalleryaz) every Saturday during this show for a takeover from each artist and our curator, Jillian Nakornthap!
Virtual Visit
Matt Garcia, Homecoming, Digital video/Social sculpture, 2012
Steven Yazzie, Mountain Song, Digital video, 2016
Activity Book

To further explore this exhibition, check out the accompanying activity book! These are available for free either online (download below) or in the gallery. This family-friendly guide is filled with fun prompts to get you thinking about the themes of this show.
For best printing results, open with Adobe Acrobat and print as a booklet.
Get Involved with EcoFlora
Inspired by this exhibit? Become a neighborhood naturalist! Phoenix Metro EcoFlora needs your help recording urban biodiversity. It’s easy to make scientific observations of the plants and animals in your area! Click the button below to learn more.