June 30, 2020 - August 21, 2020
| Free“In the old days…whoever spoke the quietest would win the argument.”
– Barbara Kingsolver, Homeland
Shaunté Glover has a strong rapport with her subjects. Whether her sitters are looking into the camera, into their cups of coffee, into or out of windows, or off into the distance, you can feel her deep affection for the people she chooses to photograph. The photographs feel comfortable and casual, but not careless – her subjects trust her, because she cares deeply for the people and places depicted here. She sees them – drinking, thinking, looking out, looking in, looking back – and is asking you to see them, too. Shaunté Glover’s photographs aren’t arguing with you, but they are speaking softly, and they are winning.
Shaunté Glover has a BFA in photography from ASU, and is a commercial and fine art photographer based in Phoenix, Arizona. For more examples of her work, visit shaunteglover.com or follow her on Instagram at @shaunte.
Image: Shaunté Glover, Home II (detail), Inkjet Print, 2020, dimensions variable